


Scripture: Psalm 133:1

Key: F

Time Signature: 4/4


Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement

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Verse 1: Let us walk in love together, Let us live in peace together; Let us lead the world together to the Lord. With the grace of God to guide us, With Christ to walk beside us; We will march together in the Lord.
Verse 2:  Tho’ we may have tho’ts that differ, Yet our hearts may be together; We may join in love together in the Lord. With our Christian love to bind us, The world should always find us; Marching on together in the Lord.
  Verse 3: Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, Lest our hearts grow fate and weary; Let us love and serve each other in the Lord. Born of water and of spirit, As children of one Father; Let us march together in the Lord.
Verse 4:  O, what joy there is in knowing, We the love of God are showing; As we walk in love together in the Lord. And by this the world will see us, And know we are God’s children; while we march together in the Lord.
Chorus: In the Lord, In the Lord. We have love and peace together in the Lord. With the grace of God to guide us, With Christ to walk beside us; We will march together in the Lord. 

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