Lord, Thy Word Abideth


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Lord, Thy Word Abideth

Scripture: Psalm 119:28;Psalm 119:89

Key: D

Time Signature: 4/4


Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)

Terms of Use:  None


Verse 1:  Lord, Thy Word abideth, And our footsteps guideth; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth.
Verse 2:  When our foes are near us, Then Thy Word doth cheer us, Word of consolation, Message of salvation.
Verse 3:  When dark clouds are o’er us, And the storms before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth.
Verse 4:  O that we, discerning Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee!
Coda: Amen.

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