


Scripture: John 20:23

Key: F

Time Signature: 4/4


Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement (A copyright agreement has been made between the hymn writer and R. J. Stevens Music, LLC.)

Terms of Use:  Unlimited use for display and printed copies due to licensing agreement with R. J. Stevens Music


Verse 1: Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive. You’ve been hurt by another, maybe someone very near. Lasting peace will elude you if you don’t forgive them here. Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive.
Verse 2: Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive. Bitterness and resentment will consume your strength and love. Grant forgiveness on earth as God has done from heav’n above. Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive.
Verse 3: Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive. Leave your gift at the altar, and with humble confidence, go and do what the Lord commands you in obedience. Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive.
Verse 4: Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive. Healing waits for the wounded, tho’ the scars may always show. Let the scars be reminders of the grace you’ve come to know. Forgive. Forgive. Jesus has said forgive.

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