Glory, Glory



Glory, Glory

Scripture: Luke 2:14

Key: Db

Time Signature: 6/8


Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)

Terms of Use:  None


Verse 1: Wonderful angels in garments of white, Came to the shepherds one beautiful night, Singing a song of surpassing delight— Praise to God on high.
Verse 2: O, what a song was that song from the sky, Never such glory did shepherds discry, Never had heaven before been so nigh, Praising God on high.
Verse 3: Birth of a Savior the angels proclaimed, “City of David” and “Jesus” were named— Then was the word of peace sweetly acclaimed, Praising God on high.
Verse 4: Never those shepherds forgot what they heard: Strongly and deeply their hearts had been stirred; Seeking for Jesus— they heeded the word— Praising God on high.
Chorus: Glory, glory, O, glory to God on high! Glory, glory, Yes, glory to God on high!

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